Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Michelle's Mission #3

Whenever I would begin anything that was going to be good for me, I would
get a couple of days in row, and then my desire would lapse, and I'd be
back to old behaviors. Then, I began to set goals that I could meet ONLY
if I stuck with the plan at hand. These goals had to be public,
otherwise, there wasn't really any consequence for failing to meet them.
My first was getting in shape to take first in my age group in my first
competitive 5k run (I aim high). Thank God that I accomplished the goal!

The goals I set are my motivating force. They are also realistic. I'm not
trying to qualify for the Olympics or anything, but each goal is an
incremental step in my overall desire to stay fit and strong well into my
later years.

Here's a glimpse at my current goals/accomplishments:

Training consistent for the past three weeks: 4-6-4-6-4-12-rest = 36
miles (one day of speed work), yoga 2x a week @ 40 minutes (abs and other
sets), spin 2x a week @ 60 minutes, weight training 2x a week @ 20
SLEEP @ 8 hours a night (the most difficult thing to adhere to...)

Upcoming: 5K Cupid's Chase, Santa Fe, February 11.
Goal: Under 23:00. I ran a 23 and change in training last week.

Later: 10K Shamrock Shuffle, Albuquerque, March 17
Goal: Around 48:00
Current PR: 48:13

Later still: 1/2 Marathon, Austin, March 31
Goal: Around 1:45
Current PR: 1:55 (at 9,000 ft.)

One last thing:
Discoveries this week: Bangers and Mash!! and the BEST "Breakfast
Muffins" -- sweet and delicious, sans grain-flour or added sweetener. Both from Paleo Comfort Foods.